●Nirvana in Paradise for the Thrifty Traveler
華麗なヨガ・ポーズをとる午前中のクラス。中には未経験者もいます! |
Most people come to Hawaii for the R & R, soaking the warm rays of the sun and filling the body with pristine, island air. Or maybe relaxation comes in the form of a simple change of pace; doing what the Romans – er, locals – do, whether it be catching a wave, hiking the mountains, or swaying to the intoxicating calm of Hawaiian hula. Meanwhile others might indulge in the healing touch of lomi lomi massage or a beach-side spa facial. Whatever it takes to relax, it’s right here in Hawaii. |
ココ・マリーナの2階に隠れている、知る人ぞ知るオアシス! |
But for those of you who’ve either “been there, done that,” or (like me) can’t justify the price it takes to get pampered these days, I found a $15 healing heaven in Hawaii Kai that locals (and some ambitious visitors) have made their perfect, little escape. Roughly 30 minutes from the bustle of Waikiki, in a 100-plus-degree room subtly located at the Koko Marina Shopping Center, you can twist, stretch, bend, bow, and balance like you never imagined you could. A few words of caution: it’s NOT for the faint-of-heart. Your okole will be kicked in a major way, but this is where 90 minutes can rehabilitate you inside and out.
スタジオを出ると素晴らしい景色が癒してくれる! |
Why on earth, you may ask, would you want to spend part of your hard-earned vacation time – or weekend afternoon – busting your buns in a yoga studio? Because when you leave the sweltering room, after having sweat from every pore on your body, and you take in the lush, green Hahaione valley beyond a crystal blue Marina, all while kona winds brush against your hot skin, I swear you’ll feel reborn. Rejuvenated. Your face will glow for hours afterward. Now really, how often can you feel that good? |
手を合わせると不思議に気持ちが和むツリー(木)のポーズ |
I’m not a yoga expert, nor am I the meditating, incense-sniffing type. But I do like the unexpected joy of feeling like I’d spent $100 to be rubbed down (albeit with my own sweat). I also compare Bikram yoga to getting a spine adjustment at the chiropractor’s, without the cracking and popping, but with the added benefit of working out kinks all over your body AND getting a heck of a workout. Having personally spent most of the last four years “hunched over,” either pregnant or carrying kids, Bikram’s spine-strengthening exercises not only kicked my body back into gear, but made me more aware of it. After just a single session, joint pain and sore shoulders were gone, and my borderline-carpal-tunnel wrists were — to a writer’s delight – back to normal. |
If humming and haa-ing and chanting “ohm” isn’t your thing – don’t worry – there’s none of that. Apart from two, very concentrated breathing exercises at the beginning and end of class, the remaining 24 postures make you explore your physical boundaries at your own comfort level, with the instructor as your guide. The toughest part of the class might be just getting over looking at yourself in the mirror for 90 minutes. Inhibitions are hard to crack, especially when you’re standing on one wobbly leg and trying to get the other foot over your head. But unlike many studios where students are separated by skill or experience, this yoga haven invites everyone in a collective and non-competitive therapy session. In fact, if at any point you feel winded or tired, you can return to what’s called the “dead body” pose, where even the simple act of lying on your back feels like you’re melting into the floor. |
クラス終了後、近所に住む日本人の若奥様達はこんな爽やかな笑顔を見せてくれました |
Never meditated in your life? Be happy to know it happens subconsciously here. Even if you stay “dead” for the whole hour and a half, the point is to stay the course, if just for the ice-cold oshibori infused with tea tree oil that the instructor gives you at the end of class. It’s aromatherapy at its best.
The only things to bring are towels to mop your sweat, comfortable attire (which could be a bikini; men go shirtless), and 14 buckaroos. You can borrow a mat for $1, and oh, if you don’t have a water bottle with you, the instructor will MAKE you buy one before class.
So there you have it, an all-in-one restorative, meditative, healing, invigorating, and physically challenging afternoon activity, whether you’re a well-heeled traveler or a thrill-seeking kama’aina. Don’t sue me if you’re sore the next day, because you probably will be. But I warn you – you just might get hooked. |
日本語要約 |
ハワイといえば暖かい陽射しを浴び、清らかな空気を体一杯に吸って、心身共に癒される特別な場所ですよね。ハワイ古流のロミロミ・マッサージで癒されたり、ビーチ・サイドのスパで味わえるエステなんかも最高! また、ローカル気分に浸ってサーフィン、ハイキング、ハワイアン・フラに夢中になるのもハワイ旅行ならではのリラックス法です。
じゃあなぜハワイまで来てヨガをするかって? それはクラスが終わると今までに無い快感が待っているからです。体全体の毛穴から汗を流した後、熱気ムンムンのスタジオを一歩出た瞬間目の前に広がるクリスタル・ブルーの海と青々と茂ったハハイオネ渓谷。ほてった素肌を優しく触れるそよ風。肌はつややか、頭はスッキリ、これは並大抵のバケーションでは経験できない、まさに生まれ変わった気分を味わえるのです!
身も心もリフレッシュできる神秘的なビクラム・ヨガ。旅慣れたハワイ・リピーターの方、ちょっと風変わりな午後を味わいたい方。ビギナー、ビジターでもふらっと気軽に参加できるので是非お試しあれ。翌日の筋肉痛は… まず間違いないでしょう。でもこのフィーリングは病みつきになるかもしれませんよ! |