Gotta Go Burger King!
I ate 7 Burger King Kids’ Club Meals in the past week, and what have I got to show for it?
To be honest, I didn’t even know their names until I checked it out on Burger King’s web site at
In the latest flurry to fast food restaurant kids’ meal collectable toys, Burger King launched their Pokemon promotion this month. With every Kids’ Club Meal purchased, a red and white clip-on Poke ball and trading card are included as the special prize. There are 57 different toys, offered over a period of 56 days. The only trick is that you don’t know what you’ll get. Should you get something you already have, however, there are designated trading nights, when you can trade your toys with other people.The next one is next Tuesday night at the Burger King at Restaurant Row. If you don’t like crowds, stay away!
Although I’m still pretty clueless about these cute little creatures, I’ve known about Pokemon (short for “Pocket Monsters”) long before it hit the United States. While living in Japan and teaching on the JET Program, Pokemon was HOT. Here’s a typical conversation with one of my preschoolers:
Kid: “Susan Sensei, do you like Pippi or Pikachu?”
Me: “Pippi!”
Kid: “Aw, but Pikachu can fly!”
Me: “Oh yeah, I forgot. I like Pikachu!”
Kid: “Me, too! Wow, we like the same one!”
Of course I had no idea who “Pippi” or “Pikachu” was, and was totally amazed when these little 4-year olds rattled off all 150-something names, but I knew it that I had better not say, “Pokemon? What is that?” or I’d be the most uncool, outdated, boring teacher around!
I brought home little Pokemon toys for Kyle’s niece and nephew two years ago, and only now they realize just how hip Aunty Susan was! I knew Pokemon would come to America, just as print club stickers, blinking cell phone lights and Hello Kitty has. I just never realized that it would be so popular!
If only I knew, I could have started my own black market of Pokemon goods! But for now, I’m debating whether I should get in my car, go to Burger King, and work on eating 52 more Kids’ Meals, or not.
Susan Sensei’s English Lesson #6(スーザン先生の英語講座 その6)
アメリカのたいていのファースト・フード店には、バーガー、ポテト、ドリンクがお得なセットになっている「バリュー・ミール」(日本ではセット?)があります。ポテトとドリンクは普通M(ミディアム)サイズなのですが、これに数十セントプラスしてLサイズにしてもらう裏技を知っていますか? これをスーパー・サイズといいます。注文の時にこう言えばOK。 ◆「スーパー・サイズにしてください。」 英語で言ってみましょう! ◆“Super size it!” 簡単ですね。アメリカのLサイズはとても大きいので2人でシェアしても十分の量です(バーガーは同じサイズ)。 Have a good trip! |
Loco Girl’s Profile(ロコ・ガールのプロフィール)
Born in Hilo, I grew up going fishing with Dad, shopping with Mom, and trying to be a good “big sister” to a younger sister and brother. A Waiakea High School and the University of Hawaii at Manoa alumni, I taught English in Japan for two years on the JET Program, and am now employed at PacRim Marketing Group, Inc. I love doing a lot of things-shopping, reading, lettering, making jewelry & crafts, watching Friends-and that’s just the start of my list! I like being busy, and am active with the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) and the Honolulu Junior Japanese Chamber of Commerce (HJJCC.) My family and friends are, of course, very important to me, and are why I live a very typical, happy, local-style life in Hawaii and will never leave! |