April 24, 2001 Having Fun
I had fun today. For just a moment, I felt like I was 8 years old again. You’d never guess what my classmates and I did…We hid from Hunter. Hunter is our professor. I’m totally serious. It started like this. Because of the statewide teachers’ strike, we rescheduled our seminar (which is usually on-site, at Ala Wai School), to an empty classroom at the University. We were unfamiliar with the building, but figured we found the right room when Hunter joined us.
Unfortunately, the door, which was supposed to have been left unlocked, was locked. So Hunter went to hunt down a key, leaving us to wait for him.
During the ten minutes that he was gone, we somehow decided to “hide” from him. So we went across to another building and waited in its shade, hidden from Hunter’s view when he would eventually return to the classroom.
Other students passed by. Some stared and offered a smile. Some didn’t seem to notice. However, I felt increasingly stupid and silly. If I saw any college students doing what we did, I would definitely think they should “grow up.”
When Hunter finally returned, we waited a few awkward minutes while he tried to figure out where we were. Slowly we emerged from our hiding place and tumbled into the classroom. Hunter was quite stunned, to say the least. We don’t know what came over us.
But despite the silliness of it all, I think it was exactly what we needed. We have all been stressed out (to say the least) by the strikes, and the realization that all our papers, projects, and presentations are due next week. So even though I wouldn’t ordinarily have done something like that, it was a lot of fun.
It’s good to be 8 years old.
Susan Sensei’s English Lesson #74(スーザン先生の英語講座) 【今週のレッスン】 Looking for the “Hitachi Tree?” (You know, “Konno ki, nanno ki, ki ni naru ki…”) You can find it at the Moanalua Gardens, in Salt Lake, near the airport. The best way to get there is either by car, or by taxi. Just tell the cab driver,, “I’d like to go to Moanalua Gardens.” 到着したら、運転手さんにこうお願いしましょう。 Once you get there, ask the driver, “Please wait a moment. I’d like to take a few pictures. I’ll be right back.” こうすれば、帰りのタクシーの心配をする必要がありませんね。ちなみに、このガーデンには木がたくさんありますが、「気になる木」は公園一番奥にあります。ぜひ見つけてくださいね。 Then you won’t have to worry about how to get back to your hotel. Just a hint: There are several trees at the Gardens. The Hitachi Tree is the one at the far end of the park. You should recognize it! Happy Sightseeing! |
Loco Girl’s Profile(ロコ・ガールのプロフィール) Born in Hilo, I grew up going fishing with Dad, shopping with Mom, and trying to be a good “big sister” to a younger sister and brother. A Waiakea High School and the University of Hawaii at Manoa alumni, I taught English in Japan for two years on the JET Program. I love doing a lot of things-shopping, reading, lettering, making jewelry & crafts, watching Friends-and that’s just the start of my list! I like being busy, and am active with the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) and the Honolulu Junior Japanese Chamber of Commerce (HJJCC.) My family and friends are, of course, very important to me, and are why I live a very typical, happy, local-style life in Hawaii and will never leave! |